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in the other side of our fear there is courage, in the other side of your pain there is freedom ,

in the other side of hattered and anger there is  love and compassion .  

its the same energy , its just trapped in our body , when we free our body from  the chanse of those emotions addiction , we liberate energy , than we  have available energy to design a new destiny , to heal an other person , you connected to that unified field .


emotions of stress cause us to put our attention in the outer world , to believe that the outer is more real than the inner  world , and those very chemicals hitten our senses and we begin to begin materialists   ,all of  our attention is  on matter on particule  , on people , space, things , places  because there is danger outhere  , we neuro our focus on matter , when we put our attention on matter , han that's all what exist , and we disconnect from that quantum field , the more we are separated from that quantum field the more we live with the emotions of stress  , people evolve in  their lives is throw luck , they say: i don't have what that person have , and i feel empty because of it , so they natural start to create a dream , and as they begin to forecast what that possible reality can become .they begin to change who they are ,

matter trying  to affect matter and that takes a long time to get what they want  because they have to treg their body throw space back and from an experience time . and they get a house and than it take 30 years to pay it off , 

the union of polarity , of duality , of  

the more 

immersed to that experience , they are connected to unified field, they feel so in love with life, how can you want if you feel whole , there is no luck , you feel like u already have it  

that's the moment magic starts to happen in someone life 

the more wholeness you feel , the less separation you have from people and things, that's mean you are more connected to a dream to a future,  and it should happen in a shorter amount of time because you are experience a less separation and separation is time , because them ore separate you are the more you are matter , you have to move your body throw space to get what you want, and it will always going to take a lot amount of time 


a step to unknown magic will happen there .

getting beyond themselves , you are absolute best , when you are forget about yourself, period period , and our generous  present moment is our access to that possibility ,  

60 to 70 thoughts  and  90%of that thought are the same thoughts as the day before  and you believe that your thoughts create your reality.

 Would you agree than your life will stay the same ? because the same thought is gonna lead to the same choice , the same choice is gonna lead to the same behavior , the same behavior is gonna create  to the same experience and the same experience is gonna produce the same emotions , back to the same the same thoughts , how you think how act how u feel is called your personality and your personality creates  your personal reality , if you wanna create a new personal reality , you would have to change your personality , which means that you have to start thinking about what you have to thinking about and change it, we have to become aware of our unconscious behavior and habit and modify them, and then we are gonna have to look at those emotions and keep them ancre to the past , and decide if this emotions belongs to my futur, most people trying to create a new personal reality as the same personality and doesn't work , your leeteraly need to be someone else to change it , 

If you keep making the same thoughts and behavior and 


Our body is already programmed . 

No body change until he change his energy, the way is you never make the Same choice of the day before.


When you place your attention is when you place your energy ,


after 30 years we are like a machine already programmed  of behavior, set of memorize behavior, unconscious choices , you press the button and it starts, people try to change with that 90 % but their body is already programmed, karma is the fact that you are repeating the future, we are experience karma everyday, people change when their well is greater than the programme, nobody can change until he change his energy, is by changing their choices everyday . what we do everyday every morning, checking our phones, check email,  twitter, and then we feel connected again, and we go to the toilet and we have the thought of the coffee maker and we are in the coffee we have the thought of shoower and then we never be present we always thinking about the next step your body is always following your body but is following to known .  When you place your attention is when you place your energy ,- if you keep investing your attention into the same emotions , you keep investing your energy into the past , 

If we are always going into routine memorization, and you are placing your attention into different people doing different things, in your known familiar reality, you are investing your energy into a predictable future based on what you do in the past . 

people are so fixed in routine . 

in order to find the present moment , you have to be greater than your body . and your body has been conditioning to be the mind, that's what habit is . 


your body try to send you a nasty thoughts to the brain , so you can feel a little angry and judgment  so I can feed that emotions i am always addicted to , you begin to become aware that your attention is in familiar emotions when you put your attention are in the past , you stop and you return  back to the present moment , and the body will say , i wonder what time a gonna break for lunch , i feel a little hungry , and you say no im not doing that , and you return back to the present moment , everytime you are doing this , you reconditioning  your body to a new mind  , and you are telling him that he is no longer the mind you are the mind .

being conscious of our unconscious thought . being the observer  , 


we have to cross a river  , and if 95% of who we are in an unconscious programme , the moment your are conscious , you are no longer the programme , you are the conscious observing that programme , your begin to  objectify the subject itself . we have to go from the old self to the new self , 


the moment you change your choice , i mnot feel sorry , im not gonna complaint, im not gonan be angry , the moment you say you will fel uncofortable, because you are in the unknown, your body is afraid he want to back to the familiar  , so your body send a message to the brain : start tomorow, you look like your mother , you are a looser , you begin to program your atomatic nervous system into that same state of being  , because that thought  is going to lead to the same choice , behaviour, create  experience , produce emotions, thought .  people says it feels right no it feels familair . 

neurologicla, bilogical , chimicals , hormonal gentic death of the old self . 

when you are in the unknow , im the void , in this void i cant predict my futur, 

the best way to predict a futur is to create it , so what thought do you wanna fire and wire  in your brain, what behviours do you wanna demonstrate in one day , and  if you begin to rehearse your behaviours  and dicsonnect rom your outer world , if you are trully really prresent the brain does not know the dfiference betwen what going outthere inhere, and your inner world begins to map your brain  neurologically to look like the event has already occured , now your brain is pass to record in the past to a map tothe futur , your brain is already in the event . and if you truly 

i m not gonna move from this set until I become a new person , im not gonna 


we move from victims to victories  

the soul is observing you doing the same evryday , so imagine after 10 years , the soul will sleep till you change  something new and the ego takes over . and the person exeprience come in , betrying, drama  , ….

till one sudden day they become conscious of how they were thining . and all of the suddeb they become awareo4 of the old self , if you stop creating that means that you still in love with your past than you are in love with your future . if you stop being the creator of your life that means that  

you seetle back to meiocratcy , and you find people like you , and you often agre

im not going to get it up of this meditation until im in love with life. many of them has no reason to 

investing their time into a new futur , into possibilities  , people like this, grew from the experiences and they are always ready for the next step , 

evryone has done somthing great in his love , we are all have vision , we are connected to the quntum field ,